Friday, November 20, 2009

First blog

I definitely will enable an "adult content" warning on my blog if given the chance.  That's hilarious!  Maybe people will click on it thinking it has nakeds in it.  Seriously, I could say a bad word.  I don't want to say one now, but I can see myself getting that mad and saying something rude.  It's happened before.  Once.  One time is okay. 
The main reason I wanted to start this is because I don't keep a book or diary of the kids and I'm afraid I'll forget everything.  It's very unlikely I'll ever get it done but at the computer I may type something. 

Last night Conrad was so cute.  He leaned over and kissed my arm and I said "Oh, thank you, Con, you're so nice."  and he said "I just love you so much, mommy!  You're a good mommy.  You're my best mommy."  Such a sweetie.  He's such a doll!  Also Colette wanted to count how much money she had in her wallet.  I asked her how any dollar bills, then she added her three quarters and then her two dimes and her two nickels and the pennies.  She can add five and ten to things very easily and she loves playing math games.  I don't remember having an aptitude in math, and definitely not an interest.  So I'm happy she likes it.  She also wants to read to me all the time. 
I'm really appreciating today that I can look out the window of the office here in the law firm and watch the cars going by on Rt 136.  When I worked at CAIT there was no window anywhere.  That was one of the worst things about working there.  No sun.  So here I am in the front room here and Pam has decorated it so nicely with expensive furniture and antique rugs.  There are interesting, original light fixtures.  And often a semi stops just outside the window full of squealing pigs.  Good times.